3.2 Wiki glossary: How do ocean currents work?


  •  What are gyres?  A gyre is a large system of rotating ocean currents. There are five major gyres, which are large systems of rotating ocean currents. The ocean churns up various types of currents. Together, these larger and more permanent currents make
  • What is the Coriolis effect?  Coriolis effect occurs due to the movement of the wind alone the ocean surface, the wind pulls the surface water alone and the action create current that flow west wards. The force then occurs as the result of the earth rotation.
  • What is thermohaline circulation?  Thermohaline circulation is the process when the ocean water become colder towards the pole, forming ice on the surface, but the salt sinks making the deeper water more saline and denser and create a deeper current, the space that is created on the surface is then refilled from the  
  • What is the global conveyor belt? The global ocean conveyor belt occurs when the constantly deep ocean circulation is influenced by temperature and salinity. The great ocean conveyor moves water around the globe. The ocean is not a still body of water. There is constant motion in the ocean in the form of a global ocean conveyor belt.
