3.14 Reading: Assessment preparation
IPCC Summary for Policymakers
The ocean and the cryosphere are
very important habitant to the lives of the billions of people in the world. The
change in the ocean temperature will affect communities closed to Islands, mountains,
coastal areas greatly.
Observed changes and impacts
A.1. The
cryosphere has melt, ice sheets, and glaciers levels have reduced with assurance
of the increased in earth’s temperature. Impacting on the layers of the snow cover, and
temperature of the sea. Increased in the surface temperature has resulted to more
coastal land degradation, impact on the high mountain communities, density
stratification in the upper 2000m of the ocean and deterioration of the snow
cover. The permafrost temperature has increased across the polar and mountain
regions. Arctic and boreal permafrost contained more organic CO2 than the CO2
in the atmosphere.
In the past two decades, evidence
of increase temperature in the Arctic is shown in the disappearing sea ice and spring
snow in summer and spring respectively.
Historical changes of the ocean
and cryosphere was observed in since 1950, as well as future changes of the greenhouse
gases emission shows that many scenarios such as potential change in the
average surface water temperature and high latitude making more fresh water
flowing into the sea making it less denser and change in the ocean acidity and deoxygenation
at a dept. of 2000m, global sea level is risen rapidly due to the loss of Arctic sea sheet ice and Greenland, including glacier
mass are lost,
The IPCC predicted near average mean
temperate from 2031-2059 increase of2.0 and end of century 2081 -2100 to be 5. The
IPCC report observed that the marine temperature has risen persistently since 1970,
the heat has increased up to 90% and consequently the heat wave has doubled as
the result of human activities.
Observed Impacts on Ecosystems
Change in the cryosphere and
marine ecosystem has impacted many marine, coastal and freshwater species and habitats
in the mountain and polar region through the disappearing of ice, snow covering
land and permafrost thaw. Species tend to migrate, or go into extinction to
certain extents. It changes the partner of marine plant and animal
distribution, the economic significant, ecosystem service and their cultural orientations
and values.
Figure SPM.2 explained the impact
of cryosphere at regional level, hazards occur within the ocean, mountain and
polar land areas which affect the ecosystem and human communities, threatening their
food security, water resources and quality, health and wellbeing, infrastructure,
transportation, tourism as well as cultural.
It is projected that the Greenland
and Arctic ice, thaw and snow cover will continue to melt in the 21st
century as the greenhouses emission continue to occur
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